Glossary Chess / Term


In chess, a non-master. At the US Amateur, masters cannot play; at the US Amateur Team tournaments, the team has to average below master rating. Note: in chess, amateurs can win money, sometimes quite a bit, at tournaments like the World Open.

Any player whose main occupation is not chess. The distinction between professional and amateur is not very important in chess as amateurs may win prizes, accept appearance fees, and earn any title, including World Champion. In the 19th century, "Amateur" was sometimes used in published game scores to conceal the name of the losing player in a Master vs. Amateur contest. It was thought to be impolite to use a player's name without permission, and the professional did not want to risk losing a customer. See also NN.

Permanent link Amateur - Modification date 2024-04-23 - Creation date 2021-12-25

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