Glossar Abkürzungen / Thema
unter Linux Mass für Prozessorgeschwindigkeit - Ian Jackson's List of Frequently asked questions, of 3/1/1994: `BogoMips' is a contraction of `Bogus MIPS'. MIPS stands for (depending who you listen to) Millions of Instructions per Second, or Meaningless Indication of Processor Speed. The number printed at boot-time is the result of a kernel timing calibration, used for very short delay loops by some device drivers. As a very approximate guide the BogoMips will be approximately: 386SX = clock * 0.125 + 0.2; 386DX = clock * 0.2-0.6; 486SX/DX = clock * 0.49 + 0.25; 486DX2 = clock * 0.50 + 0.37; Pentium = clock * 0.4.
Permanenter Link BogoMips - Erstellungsdatum 2021-01-20