Glossar Abkürzungen / Thema


[1] Fibre Channel

[2] Functional Component

[3] File Code/Conversion (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")

[4] Ferrit Core - Eisenkern (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")

[5] Fuel Cell {Weltraumfahrt}

[6] Frame/Functional Control

[7] Function Code (->"IEEE Standard Dictionary")

[8] Forward-checking - technique/heuristic for improving the efficiency of constraint satisfaction (KI)

[9] File Compare (MS-DOS Kommando)

[10] Full Color

[11] Flight Computer (->"NASA Acronym List")

[12] Flight Control (->"NASA Acronym List")

[13] Flight Critical (->"NASA Acronym List")

[14] Football Club (zu deutsch: Fussball Club)

Permanenter Link FC - Erstellungsdatum 2021-01-20

< FBXX Glossar / Abkürzungen FC-AL >