Glossary Acustics / Term

Cumulative distribution

A distribution of samples of the instantaneous noise level taken at regular intervals during a measurement where the samples are arranged according to their percentage of occurrence. The distribution ranges from 100% to 0% as the dynamic range increases. The 100% point will represent the lower end of the range while the 0% will describe the higher end of the range. There needs to be a suitably large number of samples to construct a distribution to obtain the best estimate of the answer required. While it is possible to calculate a LN10% result from a distribution of only 10 readings it will be much better to have at least 1000 results in the interval of time to calculate the LN10%. Modern instruments typically sample at 100 times a second when directly calculating the distribution so intervals of more than 10 seconds will usually produce valid results for LN% values.

Permanent link Cumulative distribution - Creation date 2021-04-13

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