Glossary Acustics / Term

Personal noise dosimeter

A small portable noise meter especially developed to be worn by an individual during the working day. Its purpose is to accumulate all the different noise exposure suffered by the individual whether it comes as steady noise exposure or whether it is in the form of sudden impulses of noise. The microphone is usually clipped to the collar close to the hearing zone and the body of the dosimeter is worn on the belt or in a pocket for safety. Some newer noise dosimeters have the microphones built-in to the body of the unit so there are no cable to get tangled or caught. Traditionally noise dosimeters readout the results in dose based on a percentage of the allowed daily maximum. More modern noise dosimeters also produce the results in dB form for the average level plus maximum and minimum levels.

Permanent link Personal noise dosimeter - Creation date 2021-04-13

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