Glossary Coronavirus / Term


isolation and monitoring of people who seem healthy but may have been exposed to an infectious disease to see if they develop symptoms.

The separation or restriction of movement of individuals who appear to be healthy but may have been exposed to an infectious disease to see if they become sick. The length of the quarantine depends on the incubation period for the disease. During the Ebola outbreak, for example, it was 21 days.

A restriction on people who aren’t ill but who are presumed to have been exposed to a contagious disease. Individuals, groups or communities can be subject to quarantine. It can be voluntary or mandatory and can take place at home or at a designated facility.

People who have been exposed to a communicable disease, who themselves are not yet sick, are sometimes placed under quarantine to separate them from the general public until it's clear they won't spread the infection. Quarantine has recently been imposed on people in specific locations where multiple COVID-19 cases have occurred or have the high potential to occur, such as individual cruise ships or nursing homes.

The practice of isolating people who appear healthy, but may have been exposed to a contagious disease, such as COVID-19. Quarantines can be self-imposed or government mandated.

Compulsory separation, including restriction of movement, of people who potentially have been exposed to a contagious disease, until it can be determined whether they have become sick or no longer pose a risk to others. This determination could be made, for example, based on the time elapsed from their potential exposure. (Source: NCSL)

The act of intentionally remaining in one place to prevent infection or the spread of infection.

The seclusion of someone who does not exhibit outward symptoms, but may have come into contact with an infected person, until the virus’s incubation period has passed. Contrast with isolation, which is the separation of people who are known to be infected.

Permanent link Quarantine - Modification date 2020-09-20 - Creation date 2020-02-28

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