Glossary Digital Television / Term
(A-D, a/d, a-to-d, a/d, ad, a-to-d, adc, a-d, a-d, a-to-d) Analog to Digital Conversion. Also referred to as digitization or quantization. The conversion of an analog signal into the digital data representation of that signal, normally for subsequent use in a digital machine. For TV, samples of audio and video are taken, the accuracy of the process depending on both the sampling frequency and the resolution of the analog amplitude information, how many bits are used to describe the analog levels. For TV pictures eight or 10-bits are normally used; for sound, 16 or 20-bits are common, and 24-bits are being introduced. The ITU-R 601 standard defines the sampling of video components based on 13.5 MHz, and AES/EBU defines sampling of 44.1 and 48 kHz for audio. For pictures, the samples are called pixels, each containing data for brightness and color. See also: Binary, Bit..
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