Glossary Dune / Term

Bela Tegeuse

Fifth planet of Kuentsing: third stopping place of the Zensunni (Fremen) forced migration.

Bela Tegeuse was the fifth planet in the Kuentsing star system.

It was reputed to be the third stopping place of the Zensunni forced migration.

While "Kuentsing" is often identified with Alpha or Beta Leporis, it in fact refers to the star Iota Leporis. The Chinese asterism of Kuentsing (army well) specifically refers to Iota, Kappa, Lambda, and Nu Leporis. Of these, Iota is the first in the sequence (1st army well) and is the most reasonable distance from Old Earth at 231.81 light years away.

Permanent link Bela Tegeuse - Modification date 2020-09-26 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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