Glossary Dune / Term

canto and respondu

An invocation rite, part of the panoplia propheticus of the Missionaria Protectiva.

Refers to part of an ancient rite first developed by Missionaria Protectiva Bene Gesserit. According to Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, in her detailed notes on the history of Bene Gesserit and its genetic selection program, it was the function of Missionaria Protectiva to develop myths on planets that enabled the Community to have protection if the need arises. These mythologies were often a form of popular religion which designated Bene Gesserit as prophets of the expected Mahdi (or of the Messiah).

These mythologies were developed and kept active in the minds of the superstitious natives, by rites known as the Panoplia Propheticus, which seems to imply that they had been designed in such a way as to serve any Bene Gesserit that might need help in an emergency.

Permanent link canto and respondu - Modification date 2020-10-18 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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