Glossary Dune / Term


Fourth planet of Alpha Centauri B; the sculptors' paradise, so called because it is the home of fogwood, the plant growth capable of being shaped in situ solely by the power of human thought.

Ecaz was the fourth Planet orbiting Alpha Centauri B.

The planet was the source of Fogwood, apparently favoured by artists because it could be shaped solely by human thought. For this the planet was nicknamed "The sculptor's paradise."

Other famous plants of Ecaz was elacca wood which gave the elacca drug and Semuta, a highly addictive narcotic favoured by many in the Old Imperium, the truth serum verite, sapho, pleniscenta and the hufuf vine which gave the Krimskel Fiber.

Ecaz was captured by the Honored Matres in 15230 AG, some time before the death of Great Honored Matre Dama.

Permanent link Ecaz - Modification date 2021-11-07 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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