Glossary Dune / Term

elacca drug

Narcotic formed by burning blood-grained elacca wood of Ecas. Its effect is to remove most of the will to self-preservation. Druggee skin shows a characteristic carrot color. Commonly used to prepare slave gladiators for the ring.

The Elacca drug is a narcotic that was formed by the burning of Elacca Wood of the planet Ecaz. Its main characteristic when administered was that it would eliminate the user's will for self-preservation. As a result, it was popular during the days of the Imperium, when it would be administered to gladiators to prepare them for the ring.

Typically, those who had been drugged with this substance would display a carrot-coloured pigmentation to their skin.

Permanent link elacca drug - Modification date 2020-09-13 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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