Glossary Dune / Term

ibn qirtaiba

(qirtaiba) "Thus go the holy words...." Formal beginning to Fremen religious incantation (derived from panoplia propheticus).

"The prophetic legends had taken on Arrakis even to the extent of adopted labels..." (38/46/47). This involved the shari-a, the canto and respondu, and the ibn qirtaiba, among others. Most profound, though, is the Fremen adoption and adaptation of the Reverend Mother concept, whose renegade strain on Arrakis used the Water of Life in place of the Bene Gesserit "illuminating poison" to produce the necessary awareness-spectrum narcotic effect which then elicited the release of past memories.

Permanent link ibn qirtaiba - Modification date 2020-10-04 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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