Glossary Dune / Term

kull wahad!

"I am profoundly stirred!" A sincere exclamation of surprise common in the Imperium. Strict interpretation depends on context. (It is said of Muad'Dib that once he watched a desert hawk chick emerge from its shell and whispered: "Kull wahad!")

Kull wahad is an exclamation that means "I am profoundly stirred!" It was said that Paul Atreides as Muad'Dib, upon witnessing the emergence of a young desert hawk from its shell, muttered these words.

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam exclaimed this phrase upon administering the gom jabbar to Paul Atreides, when he managed to withstand more pain than any other Bene Gesserit student and later during their conversation when Paul assumes that the learning of the Bene Gesserit is for Politics.

Permanent link kull wahad! - Modification date 2020-07-05 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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