Glossary Dune / Term

Lisan al-Gaib

"The Voice from the Outer World." In Fremen messianic legends, an off-world prophet. Sometimes translated as "Giver of Water." (See Mahdi.)

It is "The Voice from the Outer World" and is outlined in Fremen messianic legends heavily influenced by the Bene Gesserit's Missionaria Protectiva. It is also translated as the "Giver of Water."

The term comes from the Arabic, "لسان," (Lisan) meaning "Tongue," and "الغيب" (al Gaib) meaning "The hidden."

Lisan al Gaib is the Fremen term for an off-world prophet or messiah.

It is "The Voice from the Outer World" and is outlined in Fremen messianic legends heavily influenced by the Bene Gesserit's Missionaria Protectiva. It is also translated as the "Giver of Water."

Paul Atreides suggests that the term means that the Bene Gesserit have been planting superstitions of The One, but Jessica remarks that they have been preparing the Fremen for the arrival of The One.

The term comes from the Arabic, "لسان," (Lisan) meaning "Tongue," and "الغيب" (al Gaib) meaning "The hidden" or "unseen". It should be noted that in context of Islam, "الغيب" (al Gaib) signifies the 'unseen dimensions of Reality', and the "tongue of the unseen" is a "prophet", and not a "foreigner".

Permanent link Lisan al-Gaib - Modification date 2021-10-23 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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