Glossary Dune / Term

Salusa Secundus

Third planet of Gamma Waiping; designated Imperial Prison Planet after removal of the Royal Court to Kaitain. Salusa Secundus is homeworld of House Corrino, and the second stopping point in migrations of the Wandering Zensunni. Fremen tradition says they were slaves on S.S. for nine generations.

Salusa Secundus was the third planet in the Gamma Waiping star system, and the designated homeworld of House Corrino, though it later became a prison planet after the migration of the Royal Corrino court to the planet Kaitain.

A harsh place, with many wild beasts, extreme temperatures, and difficult terrain. It was noted for being one of the only two planets in the Universe where shigawire was grown.

Salusa Secundus was remembered in Fremen tradition as being a temporary home for the Wandering Zensunni; a planet on which nine generations of the Fremen ancestors lived as slaves. However, the veracity of such a belief remains debatable.

Due to the harshness of Salusa Secundus, it became the Corrino prison planet. Those who were deemed criminals of the Corrino Empire were imprisoned on the planet. Many in the empire have suspected that the harshness of this world was responsible for breeding Sardaukar troops. This was the theory maintained by Atreides generals, namely that the harsh environment of the planet was responsible for the development of a fierce, hardened people.

This theory was further strengthened by the discovery by the Atreides of the resilience and fighting abilities of the Fremen on Arrakis. However, prior to the time of Muad'Dib, very little was truly known of Salusa's climate. The origins of the Sardaukar and the source of their numbers remained only in speculation.

In 10193 AG, Paul Atreides wrested the Imperial Throne from House Corrino. Before taking the throne, Paul promised Shaddam IV that he would keep a throne on Salusa Secundus, and that the planet would be transformed into a pleasant and beautiful world. This move was outwardly to show that he maintained respect for Shaddam, but in truth the move was to rob the deposed Emperor of the training grounds for his Sardaukar.

Shaddam IV then went into retirement, ruling over Salusa Secundus with the majority of his Household in accompaniment. From his deposed home, Shaddam witnessed the birth of his grandchild, Farad'n Corrino; sired by Dalak Fenring, whose mother was Wensicia Corrino. It was also from the planet that Shaddam continually tried to encourage Count Hasimir Fenring to re-join him, so that together they could wrest the Imperium back to House Corrino.

After the aborted attempt on Paul's life on Arrakis by Hasimir's daughter Marie Fenring, who was killed by Alia Atreides, and the subsequent second attempt on his life by the Count Hasimir himself and his wife, Margot Fenring, were exiled permanently to Salusa Secundus.

Permanent link Salusa Secundus - Modification date 2020-11-24 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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