Glossary Dune / Term

ya hya chouhada

"Long live the fighters!" The Fedaykin battle cry. Ya (now) in this cry is augmented by the hya form (the ever-extended now). Chouhada (fighters) carries this added meaning of fighters against injustice. There is a distinction in this word that specifies the fighters are not struggling for anything, but are consecrated against a specific thing –that alone.

Fremen battle cry. YA (now) is intensified in that cry by the HYA form (a now extended to infinity). CHOUHADA (warrior) also means warriors against injustice. There is a distinction in this word that specifies that the warriors are not fighting for something, but are devoted to a specific thing, and only to it.

Permanent link ya hya chouhada - Modification date 2021-01-21 - Creation date 2020-04-20

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