Glossary EverQuest / Term


(v.) 1. To wait near an NPC's known respawn point in an attempt to kill it repeatedly, either for experience or rare items. EQ Combat etiquette states that simply "camping" an area does not grant one full "range-rights" to all NPCs that spawn there, thus many people will happily run through a camp ("dawn patrol!") and collect kills the camp is preparing for. 2. (on Rallos Zek server) hiding in a difficult-to-reach location in order to pick off other players by way of ranged weapons or spells. 3. The act of logging out. e.g. "I'm going to camp out for the night." (n.) Any area where monsters spawn regularly - especially where tents are. e.g. "Runnyeye is in the tunnel by the second goblin camp."

Permanent link camp - Creation date 2020-05-30

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