Glossary GemStone III / Term
n. ICE Age term for krodera.
See also: The ICE Age, krodera.
The metals and woods of GemStone III mostly had I.C.E. Age analogs in Rolemaster, M.E.R.P., or Shadow World specifically. However, these sometimes had differences in detail with the modern lore, such as whether it was an alloy or other historical contexts. The Rolemaster "Bonus" has the same meaning as our modern materials enchant bonus, and "Resistance" is warding bonus while ST/BF = ST/DU.
The word "metals" is used loosely. This includes special minerals, crystals, and volcanic glasses, but leaves out generic real-world materials such as obsidian.
Modern: Krodera
Kregora is the most powerful of the anti-Essaence metals, such as white and black Eog which locally inhibit the flows of essence, providing an absurdly high warding bonus. It is an extremely rare alloy made from mithril, gold, uranium, and other materials. It is supposed to be useless for weapons because it is extremely ductile and malleable, but even a mesh or netting of kregora is enough to render powerful magical items dormant. Its magic suppression powers are equally effective across all realms, and it will drain the power points (mana) of those around it. Highly specialized, non-magical tools are required to work kregora, and it is golden in color. Krodera is instead colored silver with a +25 bonus (as opposed to the -10 penalty), is not an alloy (being found beneath craters), and used to make weapons but not armor (unless significantly diluted.) The official documentation says its natural bonus is only that of mithril. Its ST/DU is much higher than it would be in Rolemaster, where it is not durable at all.
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