Glossary GemStone III / Term

Prayer of Commune

(330) n. A spell on the Cleric spell circle. Details are as follows.

Spell #: 330
Spell code: commune
Effect: This spell allows the cleric to attempt to commune with a deity. More often than not, it fails. Seeking the audiance of the gods is something that should be done with great care, for some of the gods can be impatient, and the cleric cannot be assured that the deity that answers is the deity they were seeking an audiance with. Artifacts and symbols associated with the deity one is attempting commune with help, and it helps to be in a holy place associated with that deity (for example, in a shrine or temple devoted to them).
Duration: Varies
Cumulative Duration? N/A
Self-Cast Only? Yes. .

Permanent link Prayer of Commune - Creation date 2020-06-09

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