Glossary GemStone III / Term


1. n. A combat posture that one can take on. Different stances balance the focus of your energies between attack and defense. Stance is mostly a factor in physical (AS vs. DS) attacks, but also factors in to some spirit warding spells and manuever based attacks. The different stances are as follows:

Offensive - 100% attack, 0% defense

Advance - 80% attack, 20% defense

Forward - 60% attack, 40% defense

Neutral - 40% attack, 60% defense

Guarded - 20% attack, 80% defense

Defensive - 0% attack, 100% defense

2. n. The command used to switch stances. Syntax is STANCE [stance desired]

See also: stance dance, parry, AS, DS.

Permanent link stance - Creation date 2020-06-09

< stackable Glossary / GemStone III stance dance >