Glossary Genealogy / Term
(lds) A major Christian religion founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith, the Mormons. In 1894 it founded the Family History Library to gather records which help people trace their ancestry. The Library has grown to acquire the world's largest collection of genealogical information. The Library is located at 35 North West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 (Telephone: 801-240-2331). You do not need to visit the Library to utilize its resources. Most of the library's films and microfiche can be loaned for use at one of their Family History Centers, located in many cities around the world. The key library resources include FamilySearch®, Family History Library Catalog®, the International Genealogical Index™ (IGI), Ancestral File™, Family Registry™, and Personal Ancestral File® (PAF). Many of the resources of the church are available at the Family History Centres without charge.
Permanent link Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Modification date 2019-12-31 - Creation date 2019-12-31