Glossary Gnosticism / Term


"Man". This is the cosmic human as well as the philosophical form of the regular human.

"Man" (neutral gender). There are three levels to the Anthropos. One is the autogenes that is the first principle of cognosance that is "the image of God". The next is the image of that image, or mind. The last is the third image, which is the physical existence. In this way every person is a three fold being including the Christ spirit, the soul, and the body.

The Gnostic Anthrôpos or Adamas, as it is sometimes called, is a cosmogonic element, pure mind as distinct from matter, mind conceived hypostatically as emanating from God and not yet darkened by contact with matter. This mind is considered as the reason of humanity, or humanity itself, as a personified idea, a category without corporeality, the human reason conceived as the World-Soul. The same idea, somewhat modified, occurs in Hermetic literature, especially the Poimandres.

Permanent link Anthropos - Modification date 2024-04-14 - Creation date 2020-05-23

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