Glossary Gnosticism / Term


Second century Gnostic teacher.

An early Alexandrian Gnostic and the first Christian to write commentaries (now lost) on the early Gospels. He and the Cathars preached the doctrine of reincarnation.

(?-138) An Alexandrian Gnostic who formed sects around 120 to 138. Known to be associated with Valentinus, and Mathias, and other early Christian leaders. May have also had knowledge of Dositheos and others associated with Simon Magus, or Gnosticism in Samaria. He is associated with Sethian works by Theodotus, and Clement. Thought to have had knowledge of both mystical and Hellenistic philosophy. (See also; "The Other Bible", by Barnstone, Harper, 1980; See also; "Stromata".)

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