Glossary Harry Potter Lexicon / Term


(Phoenix) Dumbledore's Phoenix (a bird which dies and is reborn again).


Fawkes - named after Guy Fawkes, a Catholic terrorist who, about 400 years ago, attempted to blow up the English Houses of Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder. Although he did this in retaliation for the vicious anti-Catholic policies of James I, his name has lived in infamy ever since. Every year on the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, children burn an effigy of him on a bonfire, chanting charming ditties like, "Guy, Guy, Guy, Stick him in the eye, put him in a bonfire, there let him die," and letting off fireworks. Fawkes is a phoenix and therefore roses from flame.

Permanent link Fawkes - Creation date 2020-04-29

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