Glossary Harry Potter Lexicon / Term

Stink Pellets

(Stink, Pellets) Small items you throw which explode, releasing fumes that smell very unpleasant; they are sold at Zonko's joke shop in Hogsmeade.

Stink Pellets are a joke product made of small pellets of dung, that releases a burst of stinking green smoke.[2] In 1992, they could be purchased in Diagon Alley at Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop for 20 Knuts each,[3] or four Sickles for a pack of ten. They are also sold in Hogsmeade, likely at Zonko's Joke Shop. They are not tolerated by Argus Filch.

Permanent link Stink Pellets - Modification date 2020-10-24 - Creation date 2020-04-29

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