Glossary Inventory Managment / Term


Allocations in inventory management refer to actual demand created by sales orders or work orders against a specific item. The terminology and the actual processing that controls allocations will vary from one software system to another. A standard allocation is an aggregate quantity of demand against a specific item in a specific facility, I have heard standard allocations referred to as normal allocations, soft allocations, soft commitments, regular allocations. Standard allocations do not specify that specific units will go to specific orders. A firm allocation is an allocation against specific units within a facility, such as an allocation against a specific location, lot, or serial number. Firm allocations are also referred to as specific allocations, frozen allocations, hard allocations, hard commitments, holds, reserved inventory. Standard allocations simply show that there is demand while firm allocations reserve or hold the inventory for the specific order designated.

Permanent link Allocations - Creation date 2020-07-05

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