Glossary Inventory Managment / Term

EPC, Electronic product code

EPC is the RFID version of the UPC barcode. EPC is intended to be used for specific product identification. However, EPC goes beyond UPC by not only identifying the product as an SKU, but also providing access to additional data about the origin and history of the specific units. The EPC tag itself identifies the manufacturer, product, version, and serial number. It's the serial number that takes EPC to the next level. This is the key to data related to specific lots/batches as well as potentially tracking the specific unit's history as it moves through the supply chain. This data is stored somewhere else (the internet or other network) but a standardized architecture allows you to access the data much like you would access a web page (though this would be happening automatically behind the scenes). See my < href="/en/inventory-managment" class="q">article on RFID for more info.

Permanent link EPC, Electronic product code - Creation date 2020-07-05

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