Glossary Karate / Term


A stance found in ItosuKai Shito-Ryu. It is a natural "walking" stance with the weight over the centre.

Ayumi dachi (歩 み 立 ち?) Is done with the torso erect but with the knees bent, lowering the center of gravity. Most of the time it is performed when moving, it is an intermediate posture - which is denoted by its own name ("step posture", in a free translation) -. Since the karateka must always remain stable and do not vary its center of gravity when moving, either advancing or retreating, the base is executed in half the displacement. Another important point of the base is the control and conservation of energy, avoiding its waste by eliminating parasitic variations in height and, as well, by assimilating some attacks of grappling and throwing (katame waza / ne waza and nage waza).

Permanent link Ayumi-Dachi - Creation date 2022-01-05

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