Glossary Karate / Term

Empi-Uchi or Enpi-Uchi

Elbow Strike.

Empi Uchi or the nudge is a very powerful technique of attack or against very short distance (hand-to-hand).

In a technique like Empi Uchi, the sensation of striking with the body is really present.

Indeed, here, "the tool" is very short (There is only the humerus (bone of the arm) between the body and the point of impact) and without articulation other than the shoulder.

So, even more than in other techniques, the movements of the trunk will be reflected directly on the arm that makes Empi Uchi.

The shoulder is a movable joint in all directions, therefore in the direction of the energy produced by the center of the body, ascending, descending, lateral, backward or in rotation, the shoulder will be able to direct the arm to transmit body energy directly to the elbow (Empi).

Even if there is only the shoulder between the body and the elbow, we will see however that the forearm and in particular the rotation of the wrist has a very important influence on the fixation of the shoulder and thus the connection between the body and the arm.

There are Empi Uchi in 5 different directions:
- Dating back: Jodan Age Empi Uchi
- Descending: Otoshi Empi Uchi
- On the side: Yoko Empi Uchi
- Rearward: Ushiro Empi Uchi
- Weekly flyer: Mawashi Empi Uchi.

Permanent link Empi-Uchi or Enpi-Uchi - Creation date 2022-01-05

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