Glossary Karate / Term

Kansetsu Geri

[Feet] Knee joint kick.

Stamping kick, joint kick.

(Karate Kick) Joint Kick (usually attacking an opponent’s knee).

Kansetsu Geri is a kicking technique used in Karate. It is a stomping kick or low side kick aimed at the side or back of an opponent’s knee. This kick can be quite devastating and should be practiced with care in order to avoid injuring a training partner. For information on other martial arts kicks (i.e. spinning hook kick), please visit Black Belt Wiki’s main kicking techniques page.

Kansetsu Geri is practiced extensively by Karate styles such as Goju-Ryu, Kyokushin, Isshin-Ryu, etc. This kick is known as the “joint kick”, “knee joint kick”, “dislocation kick”, etc. Kansetsu Geri is sometimes spelled “Kanzetsu Geri”, “Kensetsu Geri”, etc.

Permanent link Kansetsu Geri - Creation date 2022-01-05

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