Glossary Karate / Term


Front leg kick. A kick delivered from your front leg.

Mawashi geri (回し蹴り) can be translated as "spin kick", although it is also sometimes referred to as a roundhouse kick. It is a kick used in Japanese martial arts.

Mawashi geri may be executed from a variety of stances, and there are several methods of proper execution.[6][7] Technique is mainly used in Karate, Jujutsu, Kenpo etc. The portion of its execution that is always consistent is that the kick is executed inward and at an angle that is anywhere from parallel to the floor to 45 degrees upward. In general, it is a lateral kick that strikes with the foot. Ideally, the foot that is on the ground during the kick points directly away from the opponent, but 90 to 45 degrees away from the opponent may also be acceptable.

Permanent link Mae-Ashi-Geri - Creation date 2022-01-05

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