Glossary Karate / Term

Nakadaka ippon ken zuki

[Hands] Middle finger knuckle punch.

Much better known as "fist of the devil", or "demonic fist", and in English it is known as Middle finger single knuckle fist and because the name is somewhat long it is also called by way of abbreviation as Nadaka, and when it is executed in a double simultaneous way it is also known as Hasami nakadaka ippon ken.

Nakadaka ippon ken is a proper technique not only karate but also jiu jitsu and Aikido.

Nakadaka Ippon ken is a technique that is not practiced in current karate, but it is effective and dangerous beyond any doubt.

Nakadaka Ippon ken is basically executed by clenching the fist, similar to Tsuki but leaving the knuckle of the middle finger sticking out. It is a blow with the knuckle of the second joint of the middle finger.

In traditional karate it was used in semicircular and circular attacks on the enemy's temple, presenting multiple possibilities.

Although today the temple is almost exclusively attributed as a target, in fact in ancient times it was used on various points with great effectiveness.

These points are:.

1. TENDO, Coronal suture.

2. TENTO, Frontal fontanelle.

3. KASUMI (Right) and RYOMO (Left) Temples, especially at the juncture of the cheekbone and the front.

Permanent link Nakadaka ippon ken zuki - Creation date 2022-01-05

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