Glossary Karate / Term


Outside (forearm) block or sometimes called lower wrist block.

Soto ude uke (outside forearm block) is a Karate blocking technique. Like age uke, soto ude uke has a prepare, although different in position. This preparation is a vital part of the block, and the more advanced you become the clearer its purpose becomes. Soto ude uke starts outside of the body, travelling inward. This block is excellent at intercepting punches to your chudan (middle level).

The open handed prepare starts to pull back to the hip, while the other hand begins to travel across the body. Both arms further continue along their path. The returning hand finishes its journey at your hip; your blocking arm reaches its journey, with the forearm rotating like in age uke.

Permanent link Soto-(Ude)-Uke - Creation date 2022-01-05

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