Glossary Karate / Term


First cause. The first Kata taught in Shotokan Karate. Three Taikyo Kyu Kata were originally devised and all share a common line of movement. Funakoshi noted that a beginner would take appropriately 40 seconds to complete and a higher grade some 5 seconds less. Taikyo Kyu 4, 5 and 6 are French inventions. Some say that Taikyoku Kata were originally from the Goju-Ryu and as the name implies, consist of nine Kata. Funakoshi made the statement;that if a student understood the concepts of the Taikyoku Kata, then he should be able to understand the idea that you begin with basics and return to basics.

Permanent link Taikyokyu - Creation date 2022-01-05

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