Glossary Karate / Term


Wrist hooking block.

It is also known under the names of:.

- Tekubi kake uke.

- Ura uke.

Surrounding circular movement on the wrist or forearm of the opponent in order to vary its direction to one side or the other and also to be able to hold it later.

The most common grip after tekubi uke is kakete uke.

Tekubi uke is a haito uchi uke block performed with an open hand in shuto but with the palm up, (Haito) the purpose, as in shuto uchi uke, is to be able to hold the opponent's arm or clothing.

Today these locks are practically in disuse but they were an important part of ancient karate training, since being able to grab or hold the enemy was vital in survival kumite.

It must also be taken into account that Tekubi uke could not only be used as a block but as a movement prior to a grab, even without the opponent executing an attack itself, but rather that due to combat hauls one of his wrists is within reach of the Karate practitioner, but in this case it would not be called haito uchi uke but Tekubi kumikata, but understanding that this last term does not belong to current karate but to ancient karate.

Permanent link Tekubi-Kake-Uke - Creation date 2022-01-05

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