Glossary Karate / Term

Tora Guchi

[Block] Circular double block to gedan & jodan.

[Karate Blocking Technique] Circular double block to gedan and jodan.

Highly circular block simultaneously to both gedan and jodan, ending with a push forward (characteristic of Goju Ryu).

Gōjū Kai

These kata are performed largely the same, changing the stances and strikes to teach students the basics of moving and striking before moving on to more difficult kata.

The first in the series is taikyoku gedan. It employs the same strikes and blocks as Shotokan's taikyoku shodan, but employs the shiko dachi ("straddle-leg stance", similar to the "horse stance") in half facing position (hanmi) instead of the front stance. The second in the series, taikyoku chudan, alternates between front stance and sanchin dachi ("hourglass stance") and the low blocks have been replaced with soto uke (outer mid-level block). The third kata, taikyoku jodan, is identical to chudan but replaces the soto uke with jodan age uke (high block). The fourth, taikyoku tora guchi, is named after the trapping technique/block it teaches: the double handed hooking block, tora guchi. The fifth, taikyoku kake uke is exactly the same as taikyoku tora guchi, but teaches the hook block, kake uke.

Permanent link Tora Guchi - Creation date 2022-01-05

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