Glossary Martial Arts / Term


Practice room or mat.

A room or hall for the practice of martial arts .

Facility in which karate, judo, aikido, and other Japanese do arts are practiced; also called a gakko (school). In early Japan, it was the name of a place, usually part of a Zen temple, devoted to religious exercise.

Its original Sanskrit meaning, bodhimandala, is the "place of enlightenment."

This name was adopted by the Japanese warrior to identify all the hails where he practiced the martial arts.

The four sides of a dojo have special names and functions. The
central locale is called kamiza, implying "upper seat" it is the place of honor reserved for instructors, honored guests, and judo officials.

Opposite the kamiza is the shimoza, or "lower seat," the meeting place for all students.

During official ceremonies and instructional periods, students are assembled in ranks along this side.

When facing the kamiza, the side of the dojo to the right is called joseki, or "upper side" on the left is the shimoseki, or "lower side." When instructed, students line up along the shimoseki, while instructors face them from the joseki.

Permanent link Dojo - Modification date 2024-04-23 - Creation date 2020-01-05

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