Glossary MIDI & Computer Music / Term

Digital and Analogue

Digital information is transmitted as a set of numbers and therefore can be fully edited with no sound loss. With regard to music it is much better for long term and short term storage and generally sounds cleaner and clearer. The best example here is a CD in which information is stored digitally and a tape player in which information in stored in the analogue format. Obviously CD's have numerous advantages over cassette tapes. Remember the days of typewriters? If a mistake was made white-out had to be used and everything had to be in exactly the right order. Today word processors are capable of major editing features such as cut, copy, paste, delete and spellcheck. The typewriter was the analogue format and the computer's word processor is the digital format. Much the same applies to music, when it is in the digital format all editing can be done with no loss in quality of the sound.

Permanent link Digital and Analogue - Modification date 2019-12-19 - Creation date 2019-12-19

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