Glossary Multimedia / Term


In audio, the degree to which reproduced sound has a sense of spaciousness extending in front of and behind the actual speakers. The better depth an audio system has, the more life like it seems. system with good depth makes it seem as though instruments or other sound sources are arrayed at varying distances from the listener rather than on a line through the speakers. Depth gives a feeling of spaciousness. In a live concert, the drummer may sit behind the bass guitarist who may be behind the lead singer. An audio system with good depth would reproduce this configuration in the listening environment making the drummer sound like he is indeed behind the bass guitarist who is behind the singer. Without depth, the three would sound like they were all on the same plane next to or on top of one another in line with the speakers. epth and imaging (the placement of sounds in the sound field) work together to create a realistic experience while a lack of depth collapses the soundstage to a fixed point in space hurting the reproduction of the audio event.

Permanent link Depth - Creation date 2021-01-07

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