Glossary Multimedia / Term


Middle band of audio frequencies typically from between 150 and 200 Hz to between 1,000 and 2,000 Hz; a speaker driver designed to operate in the middle frequencies (midrange) of the audible spectrum. The midrange is the area of the frequency spectrum to which human hearing is most sensitive. The wavelengths of audio frequencies in the midrange run from a little over seven feet (about 7.3 feet at 150 Hz) to about half a foot at 2,000 Hz. Human speech falls in the midrange making it one of the most important and often difficult areas for sound reproduction. idrange speaker drivers are used to recreate the midrange frequencies. Most midrange drivers range in size from seven to four inches in diameter (for a dynamic speaker) and most are cones. The midrange is a very important band of frequencies in addition to a very important speaker driver.

Permanent link Midrange - Creation date 2021-01-07

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