Glossary Multimedia / Term


Aspect of home THX processing that slightly attenuates high frequency signals in movie soundtracks when the feature is engaged. ovie soundtracks are purposely recorded with more high frequency energy than is correct (they are equalized with the amplitude or power of high frequency signals increased slightly). This is done because movie theater acoustics tend to deaden the top-end slightly (due the large number of seats, people and cloth-covered walls). The end result in movie theaters is a proper frequency response due to the slight increase in the soundtrack mixed with a slight decrease due to the environment resulting in a flat frequency response. However, in homes the extra high frequency energy can make movie soundtracks seem overly bright putting too much of an emphasis on high frequencies. e-EQ adjusts for the boosted high frequency aspect of movie soundtracks to make them flat in a home environment. Re-EQ is an integral part of home THX processing. It is also implemented by itself in some audio/video processor and digital surround sound processors.

Permanent link Re EQ - Creation date 2021-01-07

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