Glossary Multimedia / Term


Base of a record player or phonograph on which a round platter spins (turns) with the album itself sitting atop the spinning platter. In order for a phonograph to generate an audio signal, the stylus (the needle) must travel through the grooves in a record album. The turntable spins the album in relation to the stylus thus moving the stylus through the grooves. Attached to the turntable is the tone arm. The tone arm holds the cartridge that in turn holds the stylus. As the stylus moves in the record grooves, it moves up and down within the cartridge using a magnet and coil of wire to generate an electric signal. The turntable allows the movement of the record album in relation to the stylus by rotating the album and providing a base onto which the tone arm (and subsequently the cartridge and stylus) is attached.

Permanent link Turntable - Creation date 2021-01-07

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