Glossary Music / Term


The frequency of a note determining how high or low it sounds.

The highness or lowness of sound based on frequency of vibration.

The location of a musical sound in the tonal scale which is determined by the vibration frequency. The present day standard of pitch is a'=435 vibrations (in Europe). The indication of different octaves does not have a uniform notation. The middle C is usually shown as c, and an octave lower C is shown as C. An octave higher C is shown as c' , etc. (The whole range of Cs from the lowest to the highest on the piano are:

The frequency of a note determining how high or low it sounds (“frequency” in this context is the number of complete oscillations per second of energy as sound in the form of sound-waves).

The frequency of the vibration of sound. Pitch is measured in hertz, and is generally organised in a system known as 'equal temperament', a system of tuning in which different notes have a standardised pitch ratio.

Permanent link Pitch - Creation date 2021-12-31

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