Glossary Satellite TV / Term

Free Space Path Loss

Path loss, the loss a satellite incurs in traveling from an orbiting satellite to a receive location, is composed of free space path loss and other losses. The reduction in signal power due to the spreading of a spherical wave front as the wave radiates to the earth below is the free space path loss. The greater the distance to the target, the slant range, and the higher the frequency, the greater the path losses.her losses include absorption by water and other atmospheric constituents. Ku-band signals sustain more loss that do C-band signals because attenuation by water vapor increases with frequency in this range. At Ku-band frequencies, rainfall can attenuate the signal by as much as 15 dB above that at clear sky conditions. When designing a satellite reception system, adequate fade margin must be incorporated to prevent severe signal fading during rainstorms.

Permanent link Free Space Path Loss - Modification date 2020-01-06 - Creation date 2020-01-06

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