Glossary Summer Olympic Games / Term


Zeus Kronion (descendant of Cronus), or simply Zeus or Dias ("divine king") is the leader of the gods and god of the sky and thunder in Greek mythology, equivalent to the Roman god Jupiter (from Jovis Pater or "Father Jove") and associated in the syncretic classical imagination with various other deities, such as the Egyptian Ammon, Etruscan Tinia.

He was originally the same god of Indo-European religion as the Hindu god Dyaus Pitar (cf. Jupiter), and as Tyr (Ziu, Tiw, Tiwaz) in Germanic and Norse mythology. Tyr was however supplanted by Odin as the supreme god among the Germanic peoples. Ironically, the Germanic tribes did not identify Zeus/Jupiter with either Tyr or Odin, but with Thor.

However, disregarding linguistic evidence, some people claim that the worship of Zeus originated among the Mycenean heirs of Minoans, where he was known as the Earthshaker.

Permanent link Zeus - Modification date 2020-01-23 - Creation date 2020-01-23

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