Glossary Technical Theatre / Term
(cut-cloth, drop, star-cloth, floorcloth) A piece of scenic canvas, painted or plain, that is flown or fixed to hang in a vertical position. A Backcloth hangs at the rear of a scene. A Floorcloth is a painted canvas sheet placed on the stage floor to mark out the acting area, or to achieve a particular effect. A Frontcloth hangs well downstage, often to hide a scene change taking place behind. Cut cloths have cut-away open areas and are normally used as a series, painted in perspective. A Star Cloth (usually black) has a large number of small low-voltage lamps sewn or pinned through it which gives a magical starry sky effect. (See also Fibre Optics). In the US, a cloth is known as a Drop (from backdrop).
Permanent link Cloth - Creation date 2020-05-31