Glossary Tennis / Term


A shot you don't want to have to hit too often. A quick pick-up or scoop off the forehand or backhand side off a ball that you couldn't quite hit in the air but didn't let bounce for any length of time. Seen a lot with aggressive play and in doubles.

A half volley in tennis is a shot that is hit immediately after the ball bounces but before it reaches the apex of its bounce. It is sometimes called an "on the rise shot", or "short hop".

The player who is hitting the half volley should not take a full backswing, but should still follow through. The grip for this shot is a standard continental. Also, staying down when hitting the shot is very important, or else it will go long. This is the basic form for the volley, hence the name: half volley. The two parts of the tennis court where this shot is generally used are on the baseline and the service line.

A half volley is a difficult shot to make. Often a player hits a half volley only when forced by the opponent or caught out of position.

Permanent link Half-Volley - Creation date 2023-03-03

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